Also available as an e-book. Can, for example, be purchased here
16 chapters about transitions and the many faces of love. About the cracks and gaps where short circuits or new opportunities arise. The main character is both a child and an adult and tries to become a person at eye level with himself.
While the pine forest closes in on the sleepless girl in the bunk bed, the woman herself has become a mother and makes her child fall asleep.
As the woman kisses another woman at the bar, the girl with the Pippi wig explores her nascent sexuality.
While the child is frightened by witches in fairy tales and dark hallways, the teenager balances between self-harm and redemptive words.
While the father holds his sick daughter by the forehead, the woman visits her father on the 12th floor of the hospital.
While the boy fails the girl in the new playhouse, a lover leaves the woman's freshly painted apartment.
While a stylish man takes the woman on a picnic in the park, the elf girl flirts with a mountain troll.
And parents get divorced - a suicide in the forties - a grandmother dies suddenly - the Saturday sweets are handed out - the cassette tape plays - Mariekiks become croissants - afternoon Majdrik becomes nights with Frozen Margaritas - ceramic brown 70s become neon 80s and then black-clad 90s, all the while the girl disappears into the picture book and the woman emerges in words.