The ABC of engagement
The ABC of engagement
Literature and life
Identity : obsessed with fish
The cinema eye says: "I am the machine that shows you the world"
William Burroughs - a conservative anarchist : conversation with Lars Movin
A table that floats in space : design revolution?
Discomfort as resistance
JM Coetzee and the commitment of literature
Capitalism's sleep of thorn: about dream and economy in Walter Benjamin's Passagework
Try again, fail again, fail better : conversation with Simon Crirtchley
Capitalism as religion or the imaginary piety of our time?
Beckett and humor as resistance
Man as a sentient thing?
The fascination of revolution : a bygone era?
Das Beckwerk: you must change your life
The local angel among the fallen nepalm: the intervention of documentary film art in the Israel/Palestine conflict
Freedom of expression as power and form of resistance
Homo Stupide: stupidity as a symptom or the idiot as a figure of resistance?
The idea of communism for the 21st century?
Zizek: the miracle man from Lubljiana
Shadow of the Warrior
Giacometti's method: on not becoming an artist