Mimosas in January
Memory and history
To write memoirs is to confront oneself with the fundamental, existential question: Who am I? It is a question that philosophy, science and art have been dealing with for centuries.
But digging into one's memories, into one's personal life, would be severely limited if one did not see oneself as part of something much bigger. Inside every human being's body and consciousness are hidden traces of not just one's own lineage and family history, but the entire long biological chain of life that constitutes humanity. There are also images, narratives and stories that we have experienced and been influenced by - via the printed media and the modern visual media.
The family history I tell here begins in the poorest strata of 18th-century Denmark. I am describing men and women whose history is Danish history, a history of social and cultural development. I myself am part of the large cohorts after 1945, which left their mark on modern Denmark.
As Matador tells everyday, family and Danish history, so does my life. My story is reflected in Denmark's history and modern media history, which has left its decisive mark on not just mine, but all of our lives.
"Very well written and original memoir, which links the personal family story together with Danish media and cultural history".
Henrik H. Pedersen (lecturer opinion)