The sun doesn't care
is the literature?
The climate crisis is one of the most pressing existential as well as political problems facing the world right now. But has 'the tipping point' been reached, so that it is a point of no return? How to navigate the inevitable so that the damage is minimized as much as possible? Or with a paradox: How to make the impossible so that the possible can happen? It raises a number of questions of an ethical, political and ideological nature, which also find their way into parts of the literature. In recent years, a broad and nuanced field of literature has emerged, poetry as well as prose, which in different ways and to different degrees reflects the climate crisis, thematically as well as aesthetically. The climate crisis can be seen in these works as a simultaneously poetic and political strategy.
Within literary criticism, it has consequences in terms of how one reads literature, and so-called ecocriticism is already something that has divided the waters and is branching out in different directions. With this book we try to approach some of these issues and their implications. The object field is primarily a series of contemporary works; but the theme is also probed in the literature of earlier times.
The sun is indifferent focuses specifically on climate literature, and at the same time questions the potential role of art in relation to the times we live in, as the relationship between art, literature and politics is debated on a more fundamental level.
By Marianne Barlyng
Speculative climate fictions and econarrative imagination
Econarratological trope analysis of The Clerk
By Jens Kramshøj Flinker
Anthropocene mood
Emotion and feeling in poems by Kristin Berget and Inger Elisabeth Hansen
By Hans Kristian S. Rustad
Recent Scandinavian sci-fi and cli-fi poetry
By Louise Mønster
Climate class round trip
Untimely and otherworldly perspectives on Henrik Pontoppidan's "Peasant Idyll"
By Jon Helt Haarder
Recapture of reality
Amitative literature and apocalyptic utopias
By Rasmus Schultz Lorensen
"So stop talking about nature as if it exists separately from everything else"
Towards a language for the Anthropocene epoch
By Martin Rohr Gregersen
Ancient ecology
Ecocritical Perspectives on Gilgamesh
By Lukas Ballin and Torsten Bøgh Thomsen
The infra-ordinary nature
About "remark", material writing and melancholy
in CY Frostholm's Tree Museum
By Lilian Munk Rösing
The shame of beauty About a new position in the relations between nature and man by Rasmus Nikolajsen in Back to the unnatural and what are we going to do with all that beauty? – autumn poem
By Erik Skyum-Nielsen
The sun burns and the text burns up
Analytical reflections on Theis Ørntoft's novel Solar
By Erik Svendsen
Distinctions in ecocriticism An econarratological analysis of Solar
By Jens Kramshøj Flinker
Climate without crisis
By Hans Ulrik Rosengaard
Denaturation strategies
Ecology without nature according to Timothy Morton and Per Højholt
By Jacob Bøggild