Lacan's four basic concepts
Jacques Lacan's (1901-1981) theories on language and sexuality, seen from a psychoanalytic point of view. Something happens in the unconscious. Something occurs that belongs to an unrealized order. The unconscious appears as the unborn, i.e. like something waiting to happen.
The unconscious is neither existent nor non-existent, but is a special appearance. The unrealized may possibly appear in the form of an apparition that the analyst must make room for in the analysis and accept to be haunted by it. Eg. suddenly - in a female analysand's great love for her mother - a series of death wishes appear, which the analyst must be prepared to accept and deal with. Such death wishes do not lie as hidden, repressed or repressed material, but as something that has not yet been realized and formulated.
The unconscious comes into being by virtue of the analysis. The analysis therefore opens up the unconscious, not in the form of a repressed vessel or a sack, but as something waiting to be born and come to life in a special pulser.
In Lacan's four basic concepts, René Rasmussen deals with the unconscious, the repetition, the transference and the drive.