Representing London
98,00 kr
Introduction - Martin Zerlang
Cities of the Social Sciences: Seeing for doing - Christian Topalov
London as a Panorama - Martin Zerlang
Theatre of Homelessness: Dickes, London, and the Technology of Representation - Murray Baumgarten
Recreating London: Dickens, Cinema and the Imagined City - Joss Marsh
The Jungle of the City: London and the Imperialist Imagination c. 1900 - Preben Kaarsholm
The City as Target: London in the Training Films of the German Luftwaffe, Summer 1940 - Reinhart Lutz
Aesthetic Blitz: London in 1940 - Charles Lock
Elective Affinities and Boundless Irrelevance: Ways of Holding London - Adam Thorpe